Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
A study of the neutron inelastic scattering cross- sections for some isotopes applying the statical model
دراسة مقاطع التشتت غير المرن للنيترونات لبعض النظائر باستخدام النموذج الأحصائي
Subject : A study of the neutron inelastic scattering cross- sections for some isotopes applying the statical model 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In this thesis we studied the stripping reactions in different energy regions. The stripping reactions are a type of nuclear direct reactions in which a transition happens in the target nucleus from its initial to its final state directly with out forming compound nucleus or intermediate state. It was first reported by Oppenheimer et al (1935), that a target nucleus was transformed from the ground initial state to a ground final state of its isotope by deuteron induced reaction. There are increased interest in these reactions from then up till now. This Thesis is divided into four chapters . In the first and second chapters an introduction and a review of essential theories. In the third chapter a theory of stripping reactions with two types of repulsive core potential - potential (1) and potential (2) - have been introduced and have been applied to three different types of targets ; light , medium , .and heavy nuclei . The calculated absolute values. of the differential cross-sections were compared with experimental results. A good fit was obtained . In the fourth chapter a theory of stripping reactions with transferred neutron to unbound s-state resonance level has been formulated and discused. A potential with a repulsive core and a repulsive barrier was introduced (potential (2) ) .The absolute value of the differential cross-section has been calculated compared with that of Huby's theory . A fairly good tit was obtained . It was concluded that both types of potentials used gave us better understanding of nuclear forces. 
Supervisor : d.ayda abood 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1403 AH
1983 AD
Added Date : Monday, December 29, 2014 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
جميلة حسن الزهرانيalzhrani, jamela hasanInvestigatorMaster 


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